The L’il Hotties® Story
We got into the salsa-making habit innocently, the way many do. The distinctive taste of L’il Hotties Street Salsa® started as a generations-old recipe that we made uniquely our own.
Starting with making it first for family, we soon were making it for friends, then friends of friends. As the batches grew bigger and bigger, we spilled out of the kitchen and into the back yard. Sometimes, margaritas were involved. And the word continued to spread.
Small-Batch Colorado SalsaSM
Eventually we arrived at the point where (so we were told) we either had to go big or go home: hand the recipe over to a massive manufacturing conglomerate, or return to making it just for friends and family.
Fortunately, we realized they had a third choice — oversee our salsa’s commercial production in ridiculously small batches. This meant we could continue meddling in the production of each batch (constructively, and wearing hairnets, of course) — evaluating new suppliers, voicing impertinent opinions, and of course, tasting and tweaking. But hey — why are you still reading this, when you could be trying some for yourself?